
For 30 years, BG Byggros has built up a market-leading position in Scandinavia within a wide range of special products and systems for the construction industry.

Høgskolen i Østfold (HIØ) (in English; Østfold University College) is a public research and educational institution in Norway with over 7,800 students and 620 employees.

Henning Larsen is an international company that creates architecture with curiosity and artistic nerve, which rests on a foundation of care and knowledge. their projects are generous and allow people to experience the unexpected. their goal is to create living, sustainable buildings that will be of lasting value to the users, the society and the culture in which they are built.

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) (in English; Swedish University of Agriculture) is a Swedish state university with responsibility for arable industries and has operations in around thirty locations in the country. Unlike most state universities and colleges in Sweden, which fall under the Ministry of Education, SLU falls under the Ministry of Rural Affairs and Infrastructure.

VIA University College (VIA) is a publicly funded research, education and knowledge institution in Denmark that has approx. 18,800 students and 2,000 employees within the educational and social work, health care and technical-commercial areas.

Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE) (in English; the Norwegian Water and Energy Directorate) is a directorate under the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and is responsible for the management of Norway’s water and energy resources.

IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute is an independent research institute that conducts research and consultancy assignments on environmental and sustainability issues.