About the project
In Scandinavia, wetter winters and drier summers are expected in the future, but with more intense and heavy rainfall. The changing climate places a burden on our society both economically, socioeconomically, and in terms of health.
The Green Sponge Buildings in Scandinavia project aims to contribute to climate adaptation by exploring whether buildings can be a part of the solution in Scandinavian cities. So-called “green walls,” exterior walls covered with vegetation, have the potential to store and delay the runoff of rainwater to the ground and stormwater system. This reduces the load on stormwater systems, which, in turn, can reduce health risks.
The project conducted a preliminary study co-financed by Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak. There, it was observed that there is untapped potential and a knowledge gap regarding green walls, unlike green roofs, which are well-documented. An advantage of green walls, according to the project, is that they are more suitable for existing buildings, not just new construction.
The project will carry out a variety of activities to examine the potential of green walls in cities to mitigate future climate challenges. One of the established goals is to develop a decision-making tool to facilitate for stakeholders considering the establishment of green walls.
- Countries: Sverige, Norge, Danmark
- Regions: Skåne (SE), Hovedstaden (DK), Midtjylland (DK), Oslo (NO), Viken (NO)
- Focus area: Grön omställning
- Specific goal: Främja klimatanpassning och riskreducering.
- Period: 1 april 2023 – 31 mars 2026
- Budget: 1 496 295 EUR
- EU funding grant: 520 080 EUR
- Norwegian funding: 314 742 EUR
- Lead partner: VIA University College
- Contact:
Andrea Mortensen
Via University College, Hedeager 2, 8200 Aarhus N
+45 87 55 43 57
Partners: Høgskolen i Østfold, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, BG Byggros A/S, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Henning Larsen Architects A/S, Norges vassdrags- og energidirektoratet.